On the Christmas questions!!!
So, here goes....
Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? Definitely Hot Chocolate...Steven's Dark Chocolate flavor, with Whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream!
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa AND Mrs Claus wrap most everything, unless something is too big to wrap.
Colored lights on tree/house or white? Well, I prefer white. However, Alec specifically asked for colored lights outside last year, so now the outside has colored lights and the tree has white lights with Gold and Silver decorations.
Do you hang mistletoe? No...I don't have anywhere to hang it. Besides, I don't need an excuse to kiss my honey, and I hope he feels the same!
When do you put up your decorations? It depends on when I'm working. Cole usually gets the tree up the day after Thanksgiving. If I'm not working, we decorate the tree over the weekend sometime. This year, I worked the entire weekend, so I put up the house decorations on the 1st while the boys were in school, and we decorated the tree that night.
What is your favorite holiday dish? Mashed Potatoes and Gravy.
Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Hmm...there are so many good ones. The first one to come to mind was the year my Dad bought my Mom a new diamond ring..and hid it in the slippers he had wrapped for her. He encouraged her to try them on, and so did I (not knowing what was in them). Her face was priceless...so surprised and pleased and a little bit guilty. It taught me a great lesson though...sometimes giving is better than receiving. My Dad's enjoyment of surprising my Mom is etched in my memory.
When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? When I became responsible for continuing the tradition with my own kids? Seriously, though, Santa is still real to me, because of the spirit of giving that Santa embraces.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We've always opened a gift from Santa at our family Christmas Eve party(courtesy of Santa doing a ring and run, and leaving a sack of presents on the doorstep), but last year I wanted to start the "opening PJ's on Christmas Eve" tradition with my kids. They don't have to match, but I try to at least get them to coordinate.
How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Since I already covered the colors, I'll go through the process...we start with the small gold balls that we've had since before our children were born. I start at the top, and once I get enough on the high branches, the kids get to start putting them on lower branches. After all the gold balls are on the tree, Cole just hands us ornaments, and we let the boys do what they will...gently helping them if they put things too close together.
It's been hard for me to let them help as they've gotten older...but I'm always glad that I do.
Can you ice skate? Yes, but I don't often have the opportunity.
Do you remember your favorite gift? Yes...as a child, it was a Cabbage Patch Doll, the year they were almost impossible to get. I wanted one, but I didn't think I would get one...but somehow, my Granny managed to get one for each of her female grandkids. I still have it...
As a teenager, it was the year I got a TV...it was completely unexpected, and that made it that much more sweet.
What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? It's all about family, and making sure there's a balance between the commercial and spiritual meanings of Christmas.
What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Homemade Mudpie. YUM!
What is your favorite holiday tradition? I love that Santa does a Ring and Run, leaving a sack of presents on the doorstep at our Christmas Eve party. He's done it every year since I was a toddler, and I love to see the reactions my children have. The wonder never stops.
What tops your tree? Nothing...I've never found anything I love enough to put up there.
Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I have to choose?
What is your favorite Christmas Song? Carol of the Bells, when performed by the TranSiberian Orchestra, or O Holy Night when performed by almost anyone.
Do you feel Christmas is too commercialized? Yes. I really wish the commercial part of the season didn't start so soon....and that the spiritual side lasted the whole year through.