
Happiness is a Journey, not a destination.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Good News, Bad News

The Good News is that I now have Photoshop (for 29 more days, until I purchase the full program).

The Bad News is I have NO FREAKING IDEA how to use it. And, I had to delete a ton of stuff (granted, most of it useless, but pictures and videos take up a ton of space. Good thing I have the external hard drive) in order for it to work at a decent pace.

The Good News is that I finally got around to making turkey soup from the Thanksgiving and News years turkey carcass's. (stop saying ewww...the bones were in the freezer!)

The Bad News is that I did that on the day before milk currently my fridge is packed completely full...2 medium and 1 smaller tupperware bowls of soup, 4 gallons of milk, plus assorted juice, water, and food. At least there's stuff to eat! :)

The Good News is that I crossed of 3/4ths of my To Do list yesterday.
The Bad News is that I made a new list, and it's longer than the first. :(

Seriously, though, I've accomplished a lot in the last couple of days. Monday was a "recovery day", and I spent most of it like this

From January 2010

I laid in bed most of the day. You might think this would be conducive to sleep, but no. I put on a movie for Talia, and tried to doze. Between the phone ringing and my toddler, sleep was elusive. I was barely functional all day.

Yesterday was much more productive. Cleaning, Laundry, Bills, and errands...I got a ton of stuff done. Picked up everything I need to make party favors for my SIL's baby shower next month, got the boys' haircuts, stopped at the beauty supply for a few of my favorite products, and even made it to the bank to make a deposit. Plus, I made dinner that wasn't turkey soup...since I'm the only one who eats it (yes, my family is crazy.)

I have Lofty Goals for today...of doing nothing. Well, maybe not nothing, I still have Laundry to get done. I plan to spend some time relaxing, though. Maybe play with Photoshop a bit more.


Mindy said...

I can tutor over the phone! ;)

Brian and Staci Staples said...

Good Luck, I have photoshop Elements and I think I have had it for two years now. (Christmas Gift). I still can't use it. It's not one of those things you can just play around with and get the hang of it. There are a few things I found out how to do and then when you don't do them alot you forget so I have to relearn if I want to do it again.

Anonymous said...

I love those really productive days. Congrats! I also love those down days. :)