
Happiness is a Journey, not a destination.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life is busy...but overall pretty good!

Well, I feel like it's been so crazy, but it's been a pretty good week. First of all, on thursday, I had a great day with my mom.... My grandparents were unable to use their tickets to the Utah Opera Festival up in Logan, so we went to 2 plays on Thursday...we saw "Into the Woods" (one of Cole's favorites!)and was so good...we really enjoyed it. It was fun to go to plays again too...One of those things Cole and I haven't had a chance to do since we had kids. We really hope someday to have season theater tickets...

Then, today was busy because of our Primary Activity....

Our "Goliath" boys....
The other kids get ready to "slay" the Goliaths with water balloons....
Mindy let herself get pelted with the extra water balloons (she's a better sport than me!)...but the kids all seemed to have fun....Although there were a couple of incidents with my own kids. Alec, who is at that stage where he has a hard time losing and a hard time not being first, COMPLETELY lost it today...I was trying to explain that he had to wait his turn, and he wouldn't always get to go first...etc etc...and he kept getting madder. Finally I told him that if he was going to behave that way, he would be very LAST. Then, to my complete astonishment, he took a swing at me, and smacked me on the chin. It HURT, especially since I've had a headache that's been pretty constant for the last few weeks...and I had only had 4 hours of sleep. I was so Alec went and sat in the car for 10 minutes (with the windows all down, and in the shade) and didn't get to participate in that particular activity. But, of course, that wasn't all...while I was letting Alec apologize and come back to the activity, Kyle (who is magnetically attracted to cement) slipped on wet cement and hit the back of his head HARD...he had a HUGE bump, and I could tell it really hurt him. Drama, Drama Drama with us...

After a long afternoon nap (Talia and I slept for 3 1/3 hours), we went swimming at my moms. This week signals the end of our swimming mom is going on a teacher field trip next week, and the day after she gets back, she goes back to school, so it's weekends only from now on. After we swam, Cole, Talia and I went to Lowe's to pick up our Staircaps for our floor, and a couple of more Transition strips...soon the floors will be completely finished.

And the long day got to Alec too....

Cole went to check on him, and found him sound asleep on the couch...the funny thing is...his fingers were still pushing the buttons!!!

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